
The GaspiCxx library is available on GitHub.

GaspiCxx relies on the following dependencies:

  • GPI-2

  • recent gcc or clang compiler

  • CMake

  • Python 3.x

  • [Optional] pybind11

  • [Optional] Pytest

  • [Optional] Google test

A step-by-step installation guide is presented in the following sections.

Software dependencies

Compiler and build system

GaspiCxx can be built using a recent gcc or clang compiler with support for C++17. You will also need CMake (from version 3.12) and a recent Python 3.x installation.

Installing GPI-2

The main dependency of GaspiCxx is the GPI-2 library, a low-level API for high-performance, asynchronous communication for large scale applications, based on the GASPI (Global Address Space Programming Interface) standard.

GPI-2 is open-source and can be downloaded from its GitHub repository. The currently supported versions start at v1.5. To download the required version, clone the GPI-2 git repository and checkout the latest tag as shown below:

git clone
cd GPI-2
git fetch --tags
git checkout -b v1.5.1 v1.5.1

Now, use autotools to configure and compile the code with position independent flags (-fPIC):

export GPI2_INSTALLATION_PATH=/your/gpi2/installation/path
CFLAGS="-fPIC" CPPFLAGS="-fPIC" ./configure --with-infiniband --prefix=${GPI2_INSTALLATION_PATH}
make -j$(nproc)

where ${GPI2_INSTALLATION_PATH} needs to be replaced with the path where you want to install GPI-2. Note the --with-infiniband option, which should be used on most HPC clusters that provide Infiniband support.

In case you want to install GPI-2 on a laptop or workstation, replace the above option with --with-ethernet, which will use standard TCP sockets for communication.

Now you are ready to install GPI-2 and make the library visible to your system with:

make install

[Optional] Installing Python dependencies

Installing GaspiCxx correctly requires access to a Python installation, either system-wide or at the user level.

You can safely skip this section if Python is already present in your system and you do not want to install PyGPI, the GaspiCxx python bindings library.

To install the additional Python libraries, we recommend creating a conda environment, which allows for a self-contained installation, and ensures the same Python version is bound to all dependencies.

In order to do that, first install conda on your system. Then, create and activate an environment for GaspiCxx:

conda create -n gaspicxx
conda activate gaspicxx
conda install python

You can now install the remaining libraries (pybind11 and pytest) within the gaspicxx environment.

conda activate gaspicxx
conda install pip
conda install pybind11 -c conda-forge
pip install -U pytest

Installing GaspiCxx

Now you can download the latest verson of the GaspiCxx library as follows:

git clone
cd GaspiCxx
git fetch --tags
git checkout -b v1.1.0 v1.1.0

You are now ready to install GaspiCxx!

mkdir build && cd build

export GASPICXX_INSTALLATION_PATH=/your/gaspicxx/installation/path
make -j$(nproc) install

Make sure the library is exported to the current PATH. You should be able to execute the gaspicxx_run command to test the installation:

gaspicxx_run --help

[Optional] Installing Python bindings - PyGPI

To install PyGPI, make sure you have created a gaspicxx conda environment which contains the pybind11 package as shown here.

conda activate gaspicxx

export GASPICXX_INSTALLATION_PATH=/your/gaspicxx/installation/path
      -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON        \
make -j$(nproc) install

[Optional] Compile tests

Download and install Google test from its GitHub repository.

export GTEST_INSTALLATION_PATH=/path/to/gtest

git clone -b release-1.11.0
cd googletest
mkdir build && cd build
make -j$(nproc) install

Then compile GaspiCxx with testing enabled

export GASPICXX_INSTALLATION_PATH=/your/gaspicxx/installation/path
cmake -DENABLE_TESTS=ON                                      \
make -j$(nproc) install

GaspiCxx tests can be executed using the ctest command

# list tests
ctest -N

# run all tests

[Optional] Building documentation

If you would like to build the documentation locally, make sure you have Sphinx installed (potentially in the gaspicxx conda environment):

conda activate gaspicxx
pip install -U sphinx

Now re-compile GaspiCxx as follows

export GASPICXX_INSTALLATION_PATH=/your/gaspicxx/installation/path
cmake -DBUILD_DOCS=ON                                      \
make -j$(nproc) install

The compiled documentation will be available in ${GASPICXX_INSTALLATION_PATH}/docs.

Passwordless SSH authentication

In order to use GaspiCxx on a cluster, make sure you can ssh between nodes without password. For details, refer to the FAQ section. In particular, to test GaspiCxx on your local machine, make sure you can ssh to localhost without password.